VMware Site Recovery Manager dr-ip-customizer.exe utility fails
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VMware Site Recovery Manager dr-ip-customizer.exe utility fails


Article ID: 339365


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


  • The VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) dr-ip-customizer.exe utility fails to run
  • When you run dr-ip-customizer.exe utility from the command line, you see entries similar to:

    C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Site Recovery Manager\bin>dr-ip-customizer.exe -cfg ..\config\vmware-dr.xml -csv c:\EG2.C SV -cmd recreate
    Using config file: ..\config\vmware-dr.xml

    ['App' 2728 info] Current working directory: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Site Recovery Manage r\bin
    ['ThreadPool' 2728 verbose] TaskMax=10, IoMin=1, IoMax=21
    ['App' 2728 info] Vmacore::InitSSL: doVersionCheck = true, handshakeTimeoutUs = 120000000
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Checking existence of stored credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Stored credentials for key='db:SRM' exist: True
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieving credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['CredentialsStore' 2728 trivia] Retrieved credentials, key='db:SRM'
    ['Vdb' 2728 trivia] VdbStatement::Execute(): Executing statement 'select id from sequence_table where name = ?'
    ['Vdb' 2728 trivia] VdbStatement::Execute(): Executing statement 'select value from dr_product_i nfo where name = 'version''
    Error on line number '2': The IP Address field is invalid. The Subnet Mask field is invalid. The Gateway field is invalid.


VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 1.0.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.8.x
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.0.x


This issue is caused by incorrect formatting of the entries in the CSV file.

Customization specifications for each virtual machine have properties that may have multiple values. The scheme for representing multiple values for a single entity over many rows is done through the use of identifiers.

Each adapter that belongs to a virtual machine has its own identifier, in virtual PCI slot order. Information about each adapter can then be listed across multiple rows.

The adapter ID of 0 has special meaning in that it specifies the Global IP Settings. Global IP Settings constitute the IP settings not specific to a particular network adapter. Adapter ID = 0 should only populate Shadow VM ID, VM Name, Adapter ID, DNS Server(s), and DNS Suffix(es) if any are to be populated.

Common information should go into the adapter ID = 0. If there are no global IP settings specified in the DNS Server(s) or DNS Suffix(es) columns then none are applied.

You can populate the fields how you want, provided that you do not enter duplicate values for properties that can only hold one value. For example, do not have two rows for adapter ID = 1 that both define a DNS domain, or for adapter ID = 0 to define a MAC Address or IP Address.

You typically use a single row per adapter that defines as much as possible. When there are multiple values, add a new row. Each row is processed and appended to a single adapter definition.

There are two files attached to this article. 1009865_incorrect.zip highlights the incorrect format for the CSV file. 1009865_correct.zip highlights the correct format and demonstrates how to successfully construct a CSV file that can be parsed by the dr-ip-customizer.exe utility.

Additional Information

When you run dr-ip-customizer.exe command, you see the output:

Input argument error

Ensure that all long parameter names begin with two dashes.

For example:

dr-ip-customizer.exe -cfg ..\config\vmware-dr.xml --cmd generate --out c:\dr\newoutput.csv --vc co-atl-vcenter.domain.local

In the above example, the -cfg parameter is incorrect. The correct usage is:

dr-ip-customizer.exe --cfg ..\config\vmware-dr.xml --cmd generate --out c:\dr\newoutput.csv --vc co-atl-vcenter.domain.local

Note the two dashes before cfg.

For more information about the dr-ip-customizer.exe utility, see the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Documentation.


1009856_correct.zip get_app
1009856_incorrect.zip get_app