IIS Server WindowsAuthentication NTLM Provider displays errors when checking prerequisites
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IIS Server WindowsAuthentication NTLM Provider displays errors when checking prerequisites


Article ID: 339280


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You receive an error for the Windows Authentication module (IIS Server WindowsAuthentication NTLM Provider) stating that NTLM is not installed or configured properly.
  • This error affects the website and/or Model Manager website prerequisites.
  • You have confirmed that both NTLM and Negotiate are installed for the Windows Authentication.
  • False errors are returned from the IIS Server WindowsAuthentication NTLM Provider when checking prerequisites.


VMware vCloud Automation Center for Server 4.5.x


This issue can occur if the Providers are installed but the IIS configurations are not updated with them.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Open IIS and navigate to the Default Web Site.
  2. Open Authentication.
  3. Click Windows Authentication > Advanced Settings.
  4. De-select Enable Kernel-mode authentication and click OK.
  5. Click Providers.
  6. Remove NTLM and Negotiate.
  7. Click OK and restart IIS.
  8. Click AdvancedSettings.
  9. Select Enable Kernel-mode authentication and click OK.
  10. Click Providers.
  11. Add NTLM and Negotiate.
  12. Click OK and restart IIS.