To troubleshoot this issue, verify the NSX Manager logs and grep for the string Marking Service Composer Firewall configuration as out of sync. This string is always attached to the Exception log, which causes the Service Composer to go out of sync and you see an exception similar to:
2015-05-11 09:19:29.675 EST ERROR TaskFrameworkExecutor-11 FirewallConfigurationSyncService:290 - Update operation for SG apply has failed. Marking Service Composer Firewall config as out of requested object : 501d40e1-####-####-############.000 could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive.
Note: This exception indicates that Service Composer is out of sync.
When the Service Composer is out of sync, it stops pushing any more changes to the firewall until a user force synchronizes it with the firewall. Even if it pushes the configuration, the firewall or the guest introspection rejects it.
Service Composer may go out of sync during a Security Group(SG) modify event.
For example:
When a virtual NIC (vNIC) is deleted after the Service Composer prepares a Data Transfer Object (DTO) and send the DTO to the Firewall (and the DTO contained a reference to the deleted virtual NIC). When this DTO is validated by the Firewall, the validation fails and an exception is thrown by Firewall which causes Service Composer to go out of sync and you see entries similar to:
2015-05-05 11:43:49.807 GMT ERROR DCNPool-4 FirewallConfigurationSyncService:399 - Section update operation has failed. Marking Service Composer Firewall config as out of sync.
org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException: com.vmware.vshield.vsm.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException:
core-services:202:The requested object : securitygroup-98 could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive.
Where a Security Group with object ID securitygroup-98 was not found while performing section update operation.
To resolve the issue, you must investigate and determine the configuration that has an invalid Security Group referenced and identity if it is a policy definition or firewall.