Possible symptoms:
Note that the cm_nimbus_robot table most likely will not have entries for Robots that are missing.
You can check the robot table by running this query:
select * from cm_nimbus_robot
Or if it is related to a specific origin or robot with specific user tags you can use an argument like
where user_tag_1 = 'xyz'
where origin ='ABC'
If the robot does exist in the CM_NIMBUS_ROBOT table, then the other possibility is that the device was removed from the OC and the option to prevent rediscovery was selected when the device was removed.
Customers like to have VM templates available with robots already on them, and if the niscache is already populated with entries, the robot controller will not notice this and/or automatically clean up or re-create those files.
Therefore, we recommend when cloning a VM, to delete the niscache contents first.
You can identify duplicate dev ids for Robots in the discovery_server.log at log level 3.
Here are two example entries from discovery_server log:
You may see a message like this:
Jan 30 11:23:13:898 WARN [hubWorker4, com.nimsoft.nimbus.probe.service.discoveryserver.nimbusscan.HubInfoFetcherDelegate] robot <hostname> / ##.##.##.## (status=0) has duplicate dev_id DB00C38BB3EA481CF292EDD9D9670DBBF
or this:
##.##.##.## (status=0) has duplicate dev_id
Steps to resolve duplicate ids and allow robots to be discovered:
If a device was deleted from OC and inadvertently added to the blacklist and you want to add it back or if you wish to remove all blacklisted devices from these tables, then follow the instructions to use the discovery_server callbacks as specified in the following section of the documentation:
Allow Rediscovery of Deleted Devices
When OC is not displaying metrics/monitoring values for the given Robots
Additionally, if after resolving the issue of missing Robots, OC metrics view is not displaying the metrics for those robots, then check the ci metric ID mappings between S_QOS_DATA and cm_configuration_item_metric tables.
If the metric IDs for a given metric in S_QOS_DATA do not have a corresponding row in cm_configuration_item_metric, they simply won't display in OC.
So... for those hosts, you can run a query like:
select s.ci_metric_id, cm.ci_metric_id from s_qos_data s left join cm_configuration_item_metric cm on s.ci_metric_id = cm.ci_metric_id
One will be the ci_metric_id from S_QOS_DATA, the other will either be the ci_metric_id from cm_configuration_item_metric (which is good), or a NULL (which means the ci_metric_id in S_QOS_DATA is bad and needs to be NULL'd out itself, then the data_engine restarted).
So check the rows/two resultant ci_metric_id columns. Any blanks for ci_metric_id in the second column listed in the query output are bad entries. You can then use those 'bad' ci_metric_id values and run:
update s_qos_data set ci_metric_id = NULL
Use one robot as a test, then restart the data_engine.
This will take some time but the mappings should be corrected after this - but please try it on a single robot first to be sure.