To resolve the issue, ensure that time on all vRealize Automation(vRA) nodes/servers are matching. If the time is not synchronized, configure the vRealize Automation Appliances to synchronize the time against an NTP provider.
Note: The maximum time drift allowed is 5 seconds.
To ensure that the time on all vRA nodes/servers are matching:
- Connect to SSH shell using root credentials to each node in the vRA cluster.
- In each vRA console, report the time and confirm that they are within two seconds by running this command:
watch -n 1 'date'
- Press Ctrl+C to cancel the previous command.
If the time is not in sync, follow the steps to configure the vRealize Automation Appliances to sync time against an NTP provider.
To configure the vRealize Automation Appliances to sync time against an NTP provider:
- Log in to each vRA Appliance on the port 5480 as root.
- Click Admin tab.
- Click Time Settings.
- For Time Sync Mode, ensure to select Use Time Server.
- Click the Green Plus icon to add a time server.
- For each vRA node, check for NTP messages in the appliance SSH session by running this command:
grep -i ntp /var/log/messages
- For each vRA node, check the messages log history by running this command:
bunzip2 -cd /var/log/messages* | grep -i ntp
- Validate that the appliance time clocks are in sync within 5 seconds.
- After adjusting the time on both nodes, restart workspace by running this command:
service horizon-workspace restart