Spring Framework 3.x With-Dependencies release download
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Spring Framework 3.x With-Dependencies release download


Article ID: 338934


Updated On:


VMware Spring Runtime


In the past, SpringSource has distributed a with-dependencies download that contains the Spring Framework and all of the optional dependencies for the framework. This download was available until the 3.0.2.RELEASE version. Unfortunately the with-dependencies download has been discontinued due to the licensing issues regarding the distribution of the dependent libraries.



Spring Framework 3.0
Spring Framework 2.5
Spring Framework 3.1


Spring Framework publish their individual module jars with Maven metadata both to both the Maven Central and SpringSource repositories. Many of these modules are interdependent and some has also external dependencies. As all these dependencies are well defined, we recommend that all users take advantage of the transitive dependency management capabilities of today's modern build systems (e.g. Maven, Gradle, Ant/Ivy).

If for whatever reason you are not using a build system with dependency management capabilities, you can download Spring Framework distribution zips from the SpringSource community download page. These distributions contain all source and binary jar files, as well as Javadoc and reference documentation, but do not contain external dependencies. However, if you build from source you can create the spring-framework-*-dependencies.zip package by yourself:

$ git clone https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-framework.git  # clone git Spring's git repo
$ cd spring-framework
$ git tag -l # list all avalable tags
$ git checkout v3.1.1.RELEASE # choose desired tag, e.g. v3.1.1.RELEASE
$ export ANT_OPTS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dcompiler.args="-enableJavadoc -warn:none" -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m'
$ ant -f build-spring-framework/build.xml # build spring from sources
$ ant -f build-spring-framework/build.xml package # create the distribution zip

When complete, build-spring-framework/target/artifacts/spring-framework-3.1.1.RELEASE-dependencies.zip will be available, containing all Spring module Jars and all external dependencies, both optional and required.

Additional Information

For more information on downloading Spring artifacts and building from source, see: