Performing vMotion using VMware vCenter server fails with the error: pbm.fault.pdm.fault.summary
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Performing vMotion using VMware vCenter server fails with the error: pbm.fault.pdm.fault.summary


Article ID: 338790


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot vMotion a virtual machine using vCenter Server.
  • Performing a vMotion using vCenter Server fails with the error:


  • In the vpxd.log file, located at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VirtualCenter\logs, you see entries similar to:

    mem> YYYY-MM-DD Time.528Z [7FA60BAF5700 error 'commonvpxLro' opID=2601768D-00000B2F-bd-3c] [VpxLRO] Unexpected Exception: pbm.fault.PBMFault
    mem> YYYY-MM-DD Time.536Z [7FA60BAF5700 verbose 'commonvpxLro' opID=2601768D-00000B2F-bd-3c] [VpxLRO] Backtrace:
    mem> --> backtrace[00] rip 00007fa6e0b47344 Vmacore::System::Stacktrace::CaptureWork(unsigned int)
    mem> --> backtrace[01] rip 00007fa6e0a30082 Vmacore::System::SystemFactoryImpl::CreateQuickBacktrace(Vmacore::Ref<Vmacore::System::Backtrace>&)
    mem> --> backtrace[02] rip 00007fa6e09917f5 Vmacore::Throwable::Throwable(std::string const&)
    mem> --> backtrace[03] rip 00007fa6e1c3d583 Pbm::Fault::PBMFault::Throw()

  • The ds.log file reports insufficient space on the database.
  • In ds.log file, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DD Time,103 pool-19-thread-7 ERROR com.vmware.vim.dataservices.provider.VcProvider] Cannot login: com.vmware.vim.vmomi.client.exception.ConnectionException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to https://hcs-vca-01.synergy.lan refused hread-7 INFO com.vmware.vim.query.server.provider.impl.ProviderManagerServiceImpl] Cannot connect to provider: not connected

    Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


This issue occurs when Inventory service is unable to query data after validation when attempting a vMotion and occurs either due to lack of space or a possible corruption on the Inventory service database.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Verify the drive space and expand the drive to allow the inventory service write/read data.
  2. Restore the inventory service database.

    For more information, see Resetting the VMware vCenter Server 5.x Inventory Service database (2042200).

Additional Information

Resetting the VMware vCenter Server 5.x Inventory Service database
VMware vCenter Server より vMotion を実行すると次のエラーで失敗する:pbm.fault.pdm.fault.summary
使用 VMware vCenter Server 执行 vMotion 失败,并出现“pbm.fault.pdm.fault.summary”错误