Inconsistent storage allocation within an org virtual data center (vDC) in VMware vCloud Director (vCD) 5.1.x and 5.5.x
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Inconsistent storage allocation within an org virtual data center (vDC) in VMware vCloud Director (vCD) 5.1.x and 5.5.x


Article ID: 338728


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VMware Cloud Director


  • Inconsistent storage allocation within an org in vCloud Director (vCD) 5.1.x and 5.5.x
  • You can see inconsistent storage allocation within an org in vCD 5.1.x and 5.5.x from these views:
    • In the System view, select Manage & Monitor and then Organization VDCs.

      Note: You may be required to enable the Storage option in the Customize Columns dropdown.

    • Open an organization and click the Administration > Virtual Datacenters > Monitor.
    • Open an organization and click the Administration > Virtual Datacenters > select an org vDC > open the Storage Policies tab.


VMware Cloud Director 5.1.x
VMware Cloud Director 5.5.x


Currently, vCloud Director does not support all the OVF sections supported by VMware vSphere. These sections of the OVF representation of the vSphere vApp are not included in vCloud Director:

  • AnnotationSection
  • DeploymentOptionSection
  • InstallSection
  • ProductSection
  • ResourceAllocationSection

This issue occurs because vCD does not support configuration selection, so it sets the disk size without considering the deployment configuration that can cause the allocated storage size to be larger than the real virtual machine's size on vSphere.


  • Ensure to take a backup of the database before making any changes.
  • This work around fixes only the issue with current vAPPs and templates. If any OVF with unsupported features is introduced later, the issue may reoccur.

To work around this issue, use SQL query in the vCD database to update the storage allocation view:

  1. Log in to the vCD database and run this SQL query to list the affected virtual machines:

    select, vm.creation_status, vm.date_created, vapp_vm.storage_allocation_mb AS vapp_storage, vm_inv.storage_kb/1024 AS inv_storage,vm.moref from vapp_vm, vm, vm_inv where vm.moref=vm_inv.moref AND vm.vc_id=vm_inv.vc_id AND = vapp_vm.svm_id AND(vapp_vm.storage_allocation_mb<>vm_inv.storage_kb/1024)

  2. For deployed vApp virtual machines, you can configure the virtual machines displayed properties and click OK to force update.
  3. For the virtual machine templates in the catalog, use this SQL query to update the storage allocation view:

    update vapp_vm
    set storage_allocation_mb=(select vm_inv.storage_kb/1024 from vm_inv, vm wherevm.moref=vm_inv.moref AND vm.vc_id=vm_inv.vc_id AND = vapp_vm.svm_id AND (vapp_vm.storage_allocation_mb<>vm_inv.storage_kb/1024))where exists (select 1 from vm_inv, vm where
    vm.moref=vm_inv.moref AND vm.vc_id=vm_inv.vc_id AND = vapp_vm.svm_id AND (vapp_vm.storage_allocation_mb<>vm_inv.storage_kb/1024))