DRS moves the VM to ESXi with higher CPU frequency during initial placement or power-on operation in heterogeneous cluster where ESXis have different CPU specifications.
NOTE: Recommendation is always to use homogeneous cluster with all ESXis having the same CPU specification.
Demonstrating the below example for understanding:
Two ESXis have different frequencies:
Hostname: esxi-01.gslabs.local
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6354 CPU @ 3.00GHz (0x000606a6) >>> This is a newer CPU compared to the other one
Hostname: esxi-02.gslabs.local
Version: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6254 CPU @ 3.10GHz (0x00050657) >>> This has higher CPU frequency which is 3.10 GHz compared to 3.00 GHz
NOTE: You need to have vpxd verbose logging enabled to get details about DRS initial placement and load-balancing decisions.
During Power on:
Registered host, esxi-01
2023-10-24T11:29:46.136+01:00 verbose vpxd[46144] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=lo45z78y-7031-auto-5fc-h5:70003089-1c-01] Goodness on [vim.HostSystem:host-348865,esxi-01.gslabs.local]: Performance: CPU 2993 MainMem 2993 MemTiering 2993 Network 2993 FTLogging 2993 FTSecondary 2993 vSAN 2993 SDRS 2993 Maintenance 2993 , Headroom: CPU 2952 MainMem 2993 MemTiering 2993 Network 2993 FTLogging 2993 FTSecondary 2993 vSAN 2993 SDRS 2993 Maintenance 2993 , Overall performance: 2993, Overall headroom: 2952, CPU demand: 2993, IsRegisteredHost: true
2023-10-24T11:29:46.136+01:00 verbose vpxd[46144] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=lo45z78y-7031-auto-5fc-h5:70003089-1c-01] Choice host-348865: Expected gain: 1, Cost: 0
Placed host, esxi-02
2023-10-24T11:29:46.136+01:00 verbose vpxd[46144] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=lo45z78y-7031-auto-5fc-h5:70003089-1c-01] Goodness on [vim.HostSystem:host-27462,esxi-02.gslabs.local]: Performance: CPU 3092 MainMem 3092 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Headroom: CPU 2802 MainMem 2801 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Overall performance: 3092,Overall headroom: 2538, CPU demand: 3092, IsRegisteredHost: false
2023-10-24T11:29:46.136+01:00 verbose vpxd[46144] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=lo45z78y-7031-auto-5fc-h5:70003089-1c-01] Expected gain on host-27462: Rate: 198, GainSec: 193, vMotionRate: 2, PlacementType: 0, vMotionSec: 2
2023-10-24T11:29:46.136+01:00 verbose vpxd[46144] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=lo45z78y-7031-auto-5fc-h5:70003089-1c-01] Choice host-27462: Expected gain: 38214, Cost: 6000
The placement decision depends on CPU performance goodness which is better on esxi-02 compared to esxi-01 which is 3092 vs 2993.
During Load-balance operation:
Source host, esxi-02
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Goodness on [vim.HostSystem:host-27462,esxi-02.gslabs.local]: Performance: CPU 3092 MainMem 3092 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Headroom: CPU 3019 MainMem 2790 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Overall performance: 3092, Overall headroom: 2724, CPU demand: 3092, IsRegisteredHost: true
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Choice host-27462: Expected gain: 1, Cost: 0
Destination host, esxi-01
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Goodness on [vim.HostSystem:host-348865,esxi-01.gslabs.local]: Performance: CPU 3092 MainMem 3092 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Headroom: CPU 3092 MainMem 3092 MemTiering 3092 Network 3092 FTLogging 3092 FTSecondary 3092 vSAN 3092 SDRS 3092 Maintenance 3092 , Overall performance: 3092, Overall headroom: 3092, CPU demand: 3092, IsRegisteredHost: false
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Choice host-348865: Move type: Headroom, Dominant contributor: MainMem
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Skip thrash detector rate 0.5
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Expected gain on host-348865: Rate: 368, GainSec: 102, vMotionRate: 2, PlacementType: 1, vMotionSec: 2
2023-10-24T11:30:21.998+01:00 verbose vpxd[43717] [Originator@6876 sub=cdrsPlmt opID=CdrsLoadBalancer-2b9c13b6] Choice host-348865: Expected gain: 37536, Cost: 0
Now both source and destination host has the same CPU performance goodness, but destination host has better memory headroom goodness which is 3092 compared to 2790.