Install permanent licenses / Troubleshoot licensing issues
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Install permanent licenses / Troubleshoot licensing issues


Article ID: 338335


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


This article explains what to do after you have received your permanent licenses for Watch4Net/EMC M&R or ViPR SRM from the VMware by Broadcom licensing team through Service Request (SR). The tasks covered in this article include:

  • The procedure to install the Watch4Net/M&R or ViPR SRM permanent license
  • How to add a new license file for a particular SolutionPack
  • How to delete a license already added to Watch4Net/M&R or ViPR SRM
  • How to verify whether licenses that are already added to Watch4Net/M&R or ViPR SRM platform are valid or expired
  • How to administer license files in Watch4Net/M&R or ViPR SRM
  • What to do if licenses are not registered properly after uploading from the GUI
  • How to generate the Host ID for Watch4net license when upgrading, without downtime.
  • Provide links for other knowledge articles dealing with licensing errors.
  • Licenses not properly registered
  • Cannot access the GUI due to expired licenses


Watch4Net/M&R - 7.x


Whether you are installing permanent licensing or adding a new license file for a particular SolutionPack, the following must be done before you begin the tasks described in this article:

  • Obtain the required license file from the VMware by Broadcom licensing team through a Service Request (SR) created on the Online Support site.
  • Make sure you have a login with root, APG, or system administrator privileges to perform the following tasks. The user apg is the account that the Watch4Net/M&R or ViPR SRM application uses instead of root.

Note: This article uses examples from the Watch4Net/M&R interface, but the following procedures also apply to the ViPR SRM product and interface.

Procedure to install licenses via CLI:
To install licenses, enter the following command for your operating system from the bin directory:

Operating system:                Command:
UNIX/Linux                               ./ install <download_path>/<license file in Zip format>

./ install /opt/APG/licenses/

Procedure to add licenses:
You must upload a license file whenever you install a new SolutionPack or ReportPack to enable views and reports to display. This can be done as follows:

Login to Centralized Management page as:


In the Centralized Management pane, select Licenses as highlighted below:

A new window will open with Licenses Management selected.

In the Licenses Listing pane, click Upload:


In the License Upload dialog box, browse to your license file and click OK. Licenses in a .zip file are then extracted and appear in the Licenses Listing pane.

When "License Upload Complete" appears, click OK, then Continue.

IMPORTANT! If you have remote servers in a distributed environment, click Synchronize to add the licenses to the remote servers.

Procedure to delete licenses
You can select and delete specific licenses or delete all existing licenses from the server as follows:

  1. Navigate to the user interface URL and log in with administrator credentials. In a default installation, the URL structure will be as follows:
  1. Click Administration.
  2. In the Centralized Management pane, select Licenses.
  3. In the Physical Overview tree, select Licenses Management.
  4. In the Licenses Listing pane, select one or more license check boxes.
  5. Click Delete to delete the selected licenses:
  1. IMPORTANT! If you have remote servers in a distributed environment, click Synchronize to remove the licenses from the remote servers.

Procedure for verifying expiration status of licenses from GUI
You can verify whether licenses are valid or expired for all servers in your environment from Centralized Management. The local and remote servers listed in this view are registered with Centralized Management. This can be done as follows:

  1. Navigate to the user interface URL and log in with administrator credentials. In a default installation, the URL structure will be as follows:
  1. Select Licenses Management.
  2. In the Licenses Listing pane, read the Expiration column:

Procedure for verifying expiration status of licenses from CLI:
1. Open a CLI to the frontend server.
2. Navigate to <install dir>/bin
Default install directory is /opt/apg/ 
3. Run the following command:
Windows: manage-licenses.cmd check
Linux: ./ check

What to do if licenses have expired and uploading new licenses does not clear the error:
  1. Navigate to the user interface URL and log in with administrator credentials. In a default installation, the URL structure will be as follows:
  1. Click Administration.
  2. In the Centralized Management pane, select Licenses
  3. Delete all licenses except for the Web Portal license.
  4. Upload the new licenses.
  5. Log out and back in to verify the proper licenses are installed.
*If the licenses still have not registered you may need to restart tomcat.  

To restart tomcat

1. Open a CLI to the Front End server.
2. Navigate to <install dir>/bin. 
3. Run the command
Linux: ./ service restart tomcat Default
Windows: manage-modules.cmd service restart tomcat Default
How to generate the Host ID for Watch4net license when upgrading from 5.2 to 6.0 (or later), without downtime.
  When upgrading Watch4Net from version 5.2 to 6.0 (or later), a host ID is required to request a new permanent license. This new Host ID can only be generated once the License-Manager has been upgraded to Watch4net 6.x, but upgrading all modules to 6.x will stop them working, as 6.x modules will not work on a 5.2 license
After updating the Watch4net Module-Manager to the new 6.x version, the License-Manager can also be upgraded to version 6.x, and all the older modules will continue to work. This will give time to request the new license files using the Host ID.

IMPORTANT! When upgrading the License-Manager, DO NOT remove the old licenses. You will be prompted to perform cleanup on old license storage as shown in the following screenshot. When prompted, select no (n) as shown below:

To upgrade the License-Manager without downtime, do the following:

  1. When updating the License-Manager, copy the host-id string provided during the module upgrade, or execute the following command after the upgrade:

/opt/APG/bin/ host-id

  1. Raise a Service Request to the support team so new licenses can be granted based on that host-id. Temporary licenses can be granted without a host-id if needed.
  2. When you receive the .lic files, install them on the server. The compatibility is kept, so 5.2 modules will work with a 6.0 license (but not the opposite).
  3. Verify that the licenses are valid.
  4. Licensed modules are now ready to be upgraded.