iSCSI configurations failed because of invalid IQN used for software iSCSI adapter
It should follow the standard described here in RFC 32720
Modify ESXi adapter iqn to follow standard documented on RFC 32720
From the GUI
Select ESXi host -- Configure -- Storage adapters -- Select the adapter -- Under properties -- Edit
Save the changes and reboot
From the CLI
1. To list adapters (and find which one is software iSCSI) on the host, run this command:
esxcli storage core adapter list
2. Run the following command to check the current iqn of the adapter
esxcli iscsi adapter get -A vmhba#
Note: Where # is the id taken from step 1
3. Run the following command to set a new iqn following correct standard
esxcli iscsi adapter set -n <insertNewIQNname> -A vmhba#
Note: Where # is the id taken from step 1