- Domain repoint for embedded vCenter fails.
- In the /var/log/vmware/cloudvm/domain_consolidator.log file, you see entries similar to:
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator Setting LduGuid
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator vmdir registry updated with the original LDU_GUID
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator RC = 25
Stderr = Error 5: Authorization failed.
Verify account has proper administrative privileges.
2019-07-05T17:19:27.962Z ERROR domain_consolidator Failed to set machine id,Exception:{
"detail": [
"args": [
"Stderr: Error 5: Authorization failed.\nVerify account has proper administrative privileges.\n"
"localized": "An error occurred while invoking external command : 'Stderr: Error 5: Authorization failed.\nVerify account has proper administrative privileges.\n'",
"translatable": "An error occurred while invoking external command : '%(0)s'",
"id": "install.ciscommon.command.errinvoke"
"componentKey": null,
"resolution": null,
"problemId": null
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator Failed
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> ERROR domain_consolidator Failed to Re-install PSC services
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator Embedded Domain Repoint Service Command Phase Failed. Please check logs
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator Failed executing <cis.service_data.DcServicesCommand object at 0x7f3874b8d4e0>
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> ERROR domain_consolidator Re-pointing operation has failed during execution mode.
<YYYY-DD-MM>T<TIME> INFO domain_consolidator Repoint failed. Restore from backup
- The hostname shown in /etc/hosts and when using the hostname -f command do not match the FQDN that is configured for the PNID of the vCenter.
For example:
root@vcsa1 [ ~ ]# hostname -f;
root@vcsa1 [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-pnid --server-name localhost;