Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
PNID change from IP to FQDN, followed by cross domain repoint will always fail with the error VMCA_INVALID_CSR_FIELD, because domain-repoint workflow checks install parameter "system.hostname.type" for CSR creation. Here, FQDNType is ipv4, but hostname/PNID is FQDN, hence GenCSR will have parameter "--IPAddress=<vCenter FQDN>" which is Invalid.
This is due to, PNID change script not updating Hostname Type during IP to FQDN change. Ideally it should modify "system.hostname.type" from 'ipv4' to 'fqdn' as part of PNID workflow if change is from IP->FQDN
To workaround the issue, modify the file below under install-defaults:
cat /etc/vmware/install-defaults/system.hostname.type
cat /etc/vmware/install-defaults/system.hostname.type