Terminating due to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
The vAPI plug-in introduces the opportunity of adding vAPI metamodels and endpoints. Each metamodel takes up sufficient amount of heap space. Too large amount of imported metamodels (more than 20-30) can cause problems with the appliance. The exact number depends on the overall heap usage by the Automation Orchestrator plug-ins and platform.
To resolve this issue, remove unnecessary metamodels:
Note: It is enough to leave one metamodel per major vCenter version.
If there is a backwards compatibility in the API even leaving the vCenter with the newest version should be enough for the proper work of the plug-in.
If you cannot remove the metamodels, you can increase the heap memory limit.
Note: This is only applicable for standalone Automation Orchestrator instances and is not supported for embedded Automation Orchestrator instances in VMware Aria Automation.
For more information, see How to Scale the Heap Memory Size of the Automation Orchestrator Server.