Powering on a virtual machine fails with the error: The object or item referred to could not be found
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Powering on a virtual machine fails with the error: The object or item referred to could not be found


Article ID: 337912


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Cannot power on the virtual machine
  • Powering on the virtual machine fails
  • vMotion migration fails at 9%
  • You see the error:

    The object or item referred to could not be found.

  • Unregistering and then re-registering the virtual machine does not resolve the issue
  • This issue persists even if you create a new virtual machine and attach the first virtual disk to it
  • Adding a virtual machine to the Inventory fails with the error:

    The object or item referred to could not be found.

  • In the vmware.log file of the virtual machine (located in /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/virtual_machine_folder/), you see entries similar to:

    | vmx| VMX idle exit
    | vmx| VMIOP: Exit
    | vmx| Vix: [124241 mainDispatch.c:900]: VMAutomation_LateShutdown()
    | vmx| Vix: [124241 mainDispatch.c:850]: VMAutomationCloseListenerSocket. Closing listener socket.
    | vmx| Flushing VMX VMDB connections
    | vmx| VmdbDbRemoveCnx: Removing Cnx from Db for '/db/connection/#1/'
    | vmx| VmdbCnxDisconnect: Disconnect: closed pipe for pub cnx '/db/connection/#1/' (0)
    | vmx| VMX exit (0).
    | vmx| AIOMGR-S : stat o=123 r=327 w=6 i=8 br=5357568 bw=638976
    | vmx| VMX has left the building: 0.

  • In the vmkernel.log file of the host (located in /var/log/), you see entries similar to:

    cpu9:4801)WARNING: Migrate: 215: Invalid message type for new connection: 542393671. Expecting message of type INIT (0).
    cpu9:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 1982: Accepted connection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    cpu9:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 2052: dataSocket 0x4100500abe10 receive buffer size is 563560
    cpu9:4801)WARNING: Migrate: 215: Invalid message type for new connection: 542393671. Expecting message of type INIT (0).
    cpu4:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 1982: Accepted connection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    cpu4:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 2052: dataSocket 0x4100500abe10 receive buffer size is 563560
    cpu4:4801)WARNING: Migrate: 215: Invalid message type for new connection: 542393671. Expecting message of type INIT (0).
    cpu9:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 1982: Accepted connection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    cpu9:4801)MigrateNet: vm 4801: 2052: dataSocket 0x410023bb1d20 receive buffer size is 563560
    cpu9:4801)WARNING: Migrate: 215: Invalid message type for new connection: 542393671. Expecting message of type INIT (0).

  • In the hostd.log of the host (located in /var/log/), you see entries similar to:

    [27610B90 verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/ Lun/Datastore/vm_name.vmx '] Time to gather config: 20 (msecs)
    [26F81B90 verbose 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: ReconfigListener triggered for config VM 65
    [26F81B90 error 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: ReconfigListener failed to look up VM (id=65)
    [27610B90 info 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/Lun/Datastore/vm_name.vmx '] Error retrieving MemoryClientStats for file layout : vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound
    [27610B90 verbose 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback VM (id=65)
    [27610B90 info 'Hbrsvc'] Replicator: VmFileProviderCallback failed to look up VM (id=65)


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0


This is a known issue affecting ESXi 5.0 and 5.1.

To work around this issue, rescan the datastores for the ESXi cluster.

To rescan the datastores, right-click the Cluster level or the data center level and click Rescan for Datastores.

Note: If the Rescan for Datastores option is grayed out when connected to the vCenter Server, use the vSphere Client to connect to the individual hosts and perform the datastore rescan.

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