"The content of element 'execution-contexts' is not complete...” when trying to discover “Device Server”.
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"The content of element 'execution-contexts' is not complete...” when trying to discover “Device Server”.


Article ID: 337811


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


1). Discovery of .NCM elements not possible.

2). After installing the Network Configuration Manager Solution Pack and specifying a "Device server"  as the "NCM server type" in the "Server configuration" section of the UI, the emc-ncm Collector Manager fails to start. The following error is observed in the Collector Manager collecting logs :
SEVERE -- [2015-02-17 15:59:07 SAST] -- Configuration$XmlValidationEventHandler::handleEvent(): cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'execution-contexts' is not complete. One of '{"http://www.watch4net.com/XMLCollector":contexts}' is expected.


Watch4Net/M&R - 7.x
NCM - 10.1.x


The NCM Solution Pack uses the NCM Collector Manager collecting.xml for the certificate validation. As the certificate contexts specified in the collecting.xml are not present in Device Servers the Collector Manager fails to start. 


1). This behaviour is by design. If discovering a Device server, then "NCM-Certificate-Monitoring" must be disabled by setting "true" to "false" as per the configuration shown below :

File : <APG>/Collecting/Collector-Manager/emc-ncm/conf/collecting.xml :

From :
<collector enabled="true" name="NCM-Certificate-Monitoring" next="FailOver" type="XML-Collector" config="XML-Collector/emc-ncm/conf/xml-collector-ncm-certmon.xml" />

To :
<collector enabled="false" name="NCM-Certificate-Monitoring" next="FailOver" type="XML-Collector" config="XML-Collector/emc-ncm/conf/xml-collector-ncm-certmon.xml" />

2). After the change the Collector Manager service should start :
manage-modules.sh service start collector-manager emc-ncm