Note: Old APIs are no longer needed. Check the new HTML SDK sample for instructions on how to use the current set of APIs and additional libraries to achieve the same results.
To get/use the new APIs:
Usage: window.frameElement.htmlClientSdk.<namespace>.<api>
Modal JS API
Old JS API | New JS API | Comments |
openModalDialog(title, url, width, height, objectId) | ModalConfig): void | Opens an application modal. Where configObj is of type ModalConfig:{ url: string title?: string, size?: {width:number, height:number}, closable? boolean, onClosed?: callbackFn, customData?: any, contextObjects?: any[] } Note: The size should be in pixels. |
closeDialog() | modal.close(data: any): void | Closes the modal. The modal is the one corresponding to the iframe this API was called from. If data has been provided it will be passed to onClose callback function if such was specified in |
setDialogSize(width,height) setDialogTitle(title) | modal.setOptions(options: DynamicModalOptions): void | Sets options to the modal. The modal is the one corresponding to the iframe this API was called from options is of type DynamicModalConfig { title?: string, height?: number } |
modal.getCustomData(): any | Returns the customData that was provided upon opening the modal or null. |
Old JS API | New JS API | Comments |
getObjectId() getActionTargets() | app.getContextObjects(): any[] | Returns current context objects: • In global views, the result is empty because global views are not associated with any vSphere object • In views that are associated with a particular vSphere object, the result contains a JavaScript object with a field named 'id' - the ID of the selected vSphere object • In modals opened through a SDK call to the result is the value of configObj.contextObjects or an empty array if configObj.contextObjects is undefined • In modals opened through actions defined in the plugin.xml file the result is an array of context objects representing the targets of the invoked action. Each context object is a JavaScript object that contains a field named 'id' which is the id of the corresponding target object. Note: The result will be an empty array if there are no target objects. |
sendNavigationRequest(targetViewId, objectId) | app.navigateTo(options: NavigationOptions): void | Navigates to a specified view with an optional custom data which will be passed to the view. Where options is of type NavigationOptions { targetViewId: string, objectId?: string, customData?: any } When navigating to a global view, the "objectId" property can be skipped. |
app.getNavigationData(): any | Retrieves the navigation data passed to the current view by the navigateTo() API. If you have called:{ targetViewId: "com.vmware.samples.chassisa.summary", objectId: "urn:vri:samples:ChassisA:chassis-3", customData: {name: "test", filter: true} }); Then, you can use:; and you will get: {name: "test", filter: true} | |
getClientType() getClientVersion() | app.getClientInfo(): ClientInfo | Returns the type and version of H5 Client. The returned object is of type ClientInfo { type: string, version: string } |
getLocale() | app.getClientLocale(): string | Returns the current locale of H5 Client. |
Old JS API | New JS API | Comments |
setGlobalRefreshHandler(callbackFn) | event.onGlobalRefresh(pluginCallBackFunc: function) | Registers a global refresh handler. The plugin callback function is called when the Global Refresh button of H5 Client is clicked. |