The workarounds described in this document are meant to be a temporary solution only.
Upgrades documented in the aforementioned advisory should be applied to remediate CVE-2021-44228 when available.
To apply the workaround for CVE-2021-44228 to vRealize Operations Tenant App, perform the following steps:
Note: These steps will require use of a secondary Linux based machine with JDK 8u221 or later installed to patch the Tenant App JAR file.
- Log into the Tenant App machine as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.
- Run the following command:
tdnf install -y unzip
- Run the following command to copy the tenant-app-api.jar file from the container to Tenant App machine:
docker cp tenant-app-ui:/etc/vmware/bin/tenant-app-api.jar /root
- Run the following command to create a backup of the existing tenant-app-api.jar file:
cp /root/tenant-app-api.jar /root/tenant-app-api.jar.bkp
- Log on to the secondary Linux based machine with JDK 8u221 or later installed.
- On the secondary Linux based machine, run the following command to make a temporary directory:
mkdir -p /tmp
- Download the script attached to this article and place it in the /tmp directory on the secondary Linux based machine.
- On the secondary Linux based machine, copy the tenant-app-api.jar file from the Tenant App machine to the local machine:
scp root@TenantAppIP:/root/tenant-app-api.jar /tmp
Note: Replace TenantAppIP with the IP Address of the Tenant App machine.
Example: scp root@ /tmp
- On the secondary Linux based machine, execute the script to patch the tenant-app-api.jar file:
bash /tmp/
- On the secondary Linux based machine, copy the patched tenant-app-api.jar file to the Tenant App machine:
scp /tmp/tenant-app-api.jar username@TenantAppIP:/root
Note: Replace TenantAppIP with the IP Address of the Tenant App machine.
Example: scp /tmp/tenant-app-api.jar username@
- Log back into the Tenant App machine as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.
- Replace the existing tenant-app-api.jar file present in the container with the patched jar file located in the /root directory:
docker cp /root/tenant-app-api.jar tenant-app-ui:/etc/vmware/bin
- Restart tenant-app-ui docker container:
docker restart tenant-app-ui
To verify the workaround for CVE-2021-44228 has been correctly applied to the vRealize Operations Tenant App machine, perform the following steps:
- Log into the Tenant App machine as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.
- Run the following commands in sequential order:
- mkdir -p /root/temp
- unzip /root/tenant-app-api.jar -d /root/temp
- find /root/temp -type f -name "*.jar" | grep "log4j-core*"
- zipinfo -1 /root/temp/BOOT-INF/lib/log4j-core-2.11.2.jar | grep "org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class"
Note: No output should be shown from the zipinfo command if the workaround was applied successfully.