Changing the Maximum Allowable Size of an OVF Upload
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Changing the Maximum Allowable Size of an OVF Upload


Article ID: 337640


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VMware Cloud Director


To deter DOS attacks, vCloud Director imposes a limit on the size of an OVF that it will accept for upload. You can use the vCloud Director Cell Management Tool to change this limit.


To change the value of the configuration property ovf.descriptor.size.max to a value of 10 Megabytes (10485760 bytes) use a cell management tool command like this one:

> $VCLOUD_HOME/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n ovf.descriptor.size.max -v 10485760

New property being stored: Property "ovf.descriptor.size.max" has value "10485760"

You do not need to re-start the cell for this change to take effect.

For information about allowable sizes for OVF and OVA packages, see "OVF and OVA Limitations for the vSphere Host Client" in the vSphere documentation.