Building a custom Windows machine image fails due to incorrect NSSM and GOSS exe files
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Building a custom Windows machine image fails due to incorrect NSSM and GOSS exe files


Article ID: 337593


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Tanzu Kubernetes Grid


When creating a custom Windows machine image it fails with the below error
This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher, Win32 ErrorCode 216

If the NSS.exe file is downloaded from the Control-plane and locally executed with Powershell, you would see a pop up error message "Unsupported 16-bit Application".  Same issue occurs with the goss-alpha-windows-amd64.exe file.


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1.0


Incorrect version of the NSSM and GOSS exe files on the control plane.


This issue will be fixed in the next TKG 2.1 release

As a workaround, instead of using the NSSM and GOSS links to the control plane IP, you can use the exe links from internet. 
Replace the following exe links in the windows.json
"goss_url": "http://CONTROLPLANE-IP:30008/files/goss/goss-alpha-windows-amd64.exe"   "nssm_url": "http://CONTROLPLANE-IP:30008/files/nssm/nssm.exe"
internet exe links:
"goss_url": ""
"nssm_url": ""