Creating tags and assigning tags to the list of VMs using PowerCLI
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Creating tags and assigning tags to the list of VMs using PowerCLI


Article ID: 337562


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article helps to create new tag and assign tags to the list of VMs using PowerCLI.



This script help you to create New Tags along with the new Tag Category if not existing.
Script can assign the tags to the all the VMs present in vSphere Environment.

$VMNames = Get-VM
$VMNames.Name | Out-File c:\scripts\vmnames.txt
$FileContent = Get-Content c:\scripts\vmnames.txt
$uTagName = Read-Host "Enter VM Tag Name"
#Assign Tag to VM
$GetVMTag = Get-Tag -Name $uTagName -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "TagName found"
foreach($VMinFile in $FileContent)
Get-VM $VMinFile | New-TagAssignment -Tag $GetVMTag
Write-Host "Tag Assignment completed"
Write-Host "Tag name you entered not found, let's create one"
$YesOrNo = Read-Host "Please confirm, if you would like to proceed further (Y/N)"
if(($YesOrNo -eq 'y') -or ($YesOrNo -eq 'Y'))
$uTagCatName = Read-Host "Enter Tag Categaory under which you would like to create new Tag"
$GetVMTagCat = Get-TagCategory -Name $uTagCatName -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "TagCategory found"
$uNewTagName = Read-Host "Enter New Tag name"
$uNewTagDes = Read-Host "Enter Tag Description"
New-Tag -Name $uNewTagName -Category $GetVMTagCat -Description $uNewTagDes
Write-Host "TagCategory you entered not found, let's create one"
$uNewTagCatName = Read-Host "Enter New TagCategory name"
$uNewTagCatDes = Read-Host "Enter TagCategory Description"
New-TagCategory -Name $uNewTagCatName -Description $uNewTagCatDes
Write-Host "Now, let's create a new Tag under TagCategory:" $uNewTagCatName
$uNewTagName = Read-Host "Enter New Tag name"
$uNewTagDes = Read-Host "Enter Tag Description"
New-Tag -Name $uNewTagName -Category $uNewTagCatName -Description $uNewTagDes
#Assign Tag to VM
$GetVMTag = Get-Tag -Name $uNewTagName -ErrorAction Stop
foreach($VMinFile in $FileContent)
Get-VM $VMinFile | New-TagAssignment -Tag $GetVMTag
Write-Host "Tag Assignment completed"