Smarts: Broker will not start; CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613
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Smarts: Broker will not start; CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613


Article ID: 337350


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Broker will not start and the following is seen in the broker log file:

[root@mark-smarts-94-s2 bin]# brstart
[January 7, 2016 11:41:33 AM GMT +471ms] t@1768859424 brstart
CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613

[January 7, 2016 11:41:33 AM GMT +560ms] t@1768859424 brstart
HTTP-E-FPF-No HTTP listener configured on IPv4, because:
 CI-NOADDR-No address available for address family AF_INET.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613

[January 7, 2016 11:41:33 AM GMT +572ms] t@1768859424 brstart
HTTP-E-FPF-No HTTP listener configured on IPv6, because:
 CI-NOADDR-No address available for address family AF_INET6.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613

CI-EWHILE-While executing function "open"
CI-IPCONN- <SYS>-E-ECONNREFUSED-Connection refused
CI-IPCONN-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1: <SYS>-E-ENETUNREACH-Network is unreachable
CI-CONNFAIL-Unable to connect to host 'localhost', port 426.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The issue is caused by DNS settings on the server


There was an issue with the /etc/hosts configuration. The hostname IP line was configured to instead of the servers IP address.

If the smarts host cannot be resolved then you will see this error.

Fixing the DNS resolution solved the problem