Use of the nsxadmin migrate-to-policy command in VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 and earlier
Article ID: 337222
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VMwareVMware Integrated OpenStack
The utility itself is meant for environments that were deployed on VMware Integrated OpenStack 6 and NSX-T 2.x. At the time of deployment the DHCP profile would be created in the manager plugin even though OpenStack is making calls to NSX using the policy plugin. As of VMware Integrated OpenStack 7 and NSX-T 3.x all objects should exist on the NSX policy plugin, but can run concurrently as-is.
Symptoms: The use of the nsxadmin utility for the call nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o migrate-to-policy --dhcp-config=<DHCP policy profile> is extremely advised against at this time.
VMware Integrated Openstack 7.x
The call using the nsxadmin utility has a destructive impact on an existing environment currently due to a critical bug.
If the utility is ran NSX-T has to be restored to a recent good backup. The utility will be fixed in a future release of VMware Integrated OpenStack released after 7.2.