After upgrading VIO to 7.0 (using Backup and Restore), the Management vCenter is not getting populated in OMS Configuration Page.
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After upgrading VIO to 7.0 (using Backup and Restore), the Management vCenter is not getting populated in OMS Configuration Page.


Article ID: 337219


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


After upgrading VIO to 7.0 (using Backup and Restore), the Management vCenter is not getting populated in OMS Configuration Page.


VMware Integrated Openstack 7.x


When using backup and restore procedure, label restore: "true" must be located in discovery object.
The UI uses this label to filter out the repeated vCenter objects - however, this restore label is missing.


This is a known issue affecting VIO 7.0 upgrade, when restoring deployment from VIO 6.0 to VIO 7.0.
We can manually add the label restore: "true" for the Discovery objects that contain mapping to the vCenter.

Workaround steps:
  1. Login to VIO Management VM (OMS)
  2. Find vCenters that are labeled with restore: "true" as a string
osget vcenter -l restore="true"
  1. Once we have obtained vCenter names from the above command's output, we need to add a restore label for all the discovery objects which contain mapping to the listed vCenter servers.
Discovery name format: vcenter-${vcenter_name}
osctl label discovery vcenter-${vcenter_name} restore="true"