VMware Integrated OpenStack fails to assign NAT rules appropriately
Article ID: 337217
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VMwareVMware Integrated OpenStack
Symptoms: This is a known issue with VMware Integrated OpenStack with NSX for vSphere that requires replacing the plugin.py file. When floating IP addresses are assigned to an instance the corresponding NAT rule in NSX for vSphere will fail to be created, and routing will fail.
VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.x
This is a known issue that requires patching.
The issue is resolved in VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.x and newer.
Workaround: A fixed version of the plugin.py will need to be placed on each of the controllers:
Download the attached .zip file from this KB.
Copy it over to the OpenStack Management Server. Then copy the file over to each controller similar to the following command: scp plugin.py viouser@controller01:/home/viouser/plugin.py
SSH into the controller and switch to root.
Back up the older plugin.py file: cp /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_v/plugin.py /tmp/plugin.py.bak
Replace the plugin.py file with the new, fixed file: mv /home/viouser/plugin.py /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vmware_nsx/plugins/nsx_v/plugin.py
Restart the neutron services on the controller: service neutron-server restart
Test floating IP assignment and verify the fix after performing the operation on each controller.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: This will cause interruption to neutron services, and it will require re-assigning floating IP addresses afterwards.