Customer's MQ Metrics are grayed out in the Investigator. In the MQ Agent.log we found an ERROR with a Reason Code 2033. After research, we found
that on the customer's Queue Manager's Command Server was not functioning. The customer restarted the Command Server and recycled the agents and
all the metrics were available again.
IBM Websphere MQ and APM EM version 9.5.2 (This KB should be true for all versions of APM)
[ERROR] [com.wily.powerpack.websphereMQ.agent.MQMonitor.TracerDriverThread] MQMonitor: For configuration instance <example> and the
drivers(namelist,cluster) an error occurred in sending query to MQ. The target MQ (<host>:5102) may be down. Reason code 2033
MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE - for the logs.
This error is telling you that the agent can't communicate with Queue Manager.
Here is key information from the APM for IBM WebSphere MQ Guide about the Command Server:
Verify Server Connection and Access
To ensure proper server connection, verify the following:
? A WebSphere MQ command server that is defined and running on the Queue Manager.
? A Server Connection channel that is defined on the Queue Manager.
Note: Contact your MQ Administrator for details about configuring the Queue Manager.
? Network access through firewalls, for the MQ Monitor Agent.
Work with the MQ Administrator to make sure the Command Server is running correctly.