[HCX] HCX Migration fails with "Could not find MA host at source/target side."
Article ID: 336971
Updated On:
VMware HCXVMware Cloud on AWSVMware Cloud on Dell EMC
This document outlines the steps to be taken when the error "Could not find MA host at source/target side" is encountered when attempting an HCX Migration.
HCX validation for a migration will fail with the error, "Could not find MA host at source/target side" as shown in the screenshots below:
This is caused by the MA host not deployed on either ends of the HCX deployments. The MA host is used by the IX appliances to facilitate migrations. Without the MA host, all migrations will fail.
Perform the following actions to resolve the "Could not find MA host at source/target side" error:
Make sure HCX is on the latest version.
Verify that the Mobility agent (MA) is deployed at both the on-prem site and on the cloud site.
If an MA host is not deployed, redeploy the IX appliance(es) for the side that does not have the MA host deployed.
Confirm the MA host has been deployed and re-attempt the migration validation.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: Migrations will not be successful without an MA host deployed on both ends of the HCX Site Pair.