JOBCPUT% versus JOBCPU% in displays and in thresholds.
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JOBCPUT% versus JOBCPU% in displays and in thresholds.


Article ID: 33690


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Please explain the difference JOBCPUT% versus JOBCPU% in displays and in thresholds.


Simply stated the JOBCPU% versus JOBCPUT% variables:

The metric JOBCPUT% does not divide by the number of processors.

If you have two processors, that would be a total of 200%.

To set a CPU threshold of 65 the calculation would be:

Two processors, a total of 200% so you would not divide by 2 to the threshold would be:

JOBCPUT% 130 or 2 x 65

JOBCPUT%          Jobname        Limit   

JOBCPUT%          Jobnam1         130



Per the doc that is in the SYSVIEW Parmlib CNM4BPRM member MVSTHRSH:


The limit value for JOBCPU% must be set based on the number of processors.                                  
This is the percentage of the total CPU in use for all processors types.                                      
The metric JOBCPUT% does not divide by the number of   
Example:  4 processors - 100 / 4 = 25%                 
          JOBCPU% = 25 would indicate that a job is    
          probably using 100% of one of the processors.
          If the job has multiple TCBs, then the JOBCPU%
          could be higher.                             
          Processors   JOBCPU%                         
          1            100                             
          2            50                              
          4            25                              
          6            16