Deploying an OVF Template fails with the error: Error uploading file to server. Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested
Article ID: 336828
Updated On:
VMware vCenter Server
Deploying an OVF template fails
You see the error:
Error uploading file <path-to-ovf.vmdk> to server. Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested
In the vSphere Client logs, located at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\VMware\vpx, you see entries similar to:
ShowErr :M: 6] <YYYY-MM-DD> Failed to Deploy: Error uploading file C:\diskname.vmdk to server. Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested Stack Trace: at VirtualInfrastructure.Utils.Log.Trace(String, String, TraceType) at VpxClientCommon.Util.Dialogs.Trace(String, String, String, TraceType) at VpxClientCommon.Util.Dialogs.ShowError(IWin32Window, String, String) at VpxClientCommon.Util.Dialogs.ShowError(String, String) at VpxClient.Ovf.ProgressForm.timer_Tick(Object, EventArgs)
In the vpxd log file, located at C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs, you see entries similar to:
<YYYY-MM-DD>[04472 info 'vpxdvpxdVAppImport' opID=A8E45FAB-00000243-c8-cb] [ImportTaskMo] Progress: 87 <YYYY-MM-DD>[04472 info 'vpxdvpxdVAppImport' opID=A8E45FAB-00000243-c8-cb] [ImportTaskMo] Progress: 95 <YYYY-MM-DD>[04472 error 'vpxdvpxdVAppImport' opID=A8E45FAB-00000243-c8-cb] [ImportTaskMo] Caught exception while importing VM: vim.fault.OvfImportFailed <YYYY-MM-DD>[04472 info 'vpxdvpxdVAppImport' opID=A8E45FAB-00000243-c8-cb] [ImportTaskMo] Removing VM vm-101 due to failed import
This issue occurs when an incorrect ovf capacity size is specified in the OVF file that is being deployed.
To resolve this issue, increase the disk size in the OVF file to match the size of the vmdk in the OVF.
To increase the disk size in the OVF file to match the size of the vmdk in the OVF:
Navigate to the location of the OVF file
Open the OVF file using the text editor, and locate these tags:
<DiskSection> </DiskSection>
Within this section, change the ovf:capacity="XXXXX" to the correct size of the vmdk(s) The default size is on bytes, you can have it in MB by doing this: ovf:capacityAllocationUnits="byte * 2^20" or: "byte * 2^30" for GB.
Additional information: ovf:CapacityAllocationUnits:, default bytes. "KB", "KILOBYTE" or "byte * 2^10". "MB", "MEGABYTE" or "byte * 2^20". "GB", "GIGABYTE" or "byte * 2^30". "TB", "TERABYTE" or "byte * 2^40".