Failure to fetch VMs associated with security groups due to NSX-T API issue
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Failure to fetch VMs associated with security groups due to NSX-T API issue


Article ID: 336808


Updated On:


VMware NSX-T Data Center


Failure to fetch VMs associated with security group details

Before replacing .jar

*Relevant log’s location*:


    "results": [
            "external_id": "501d1bde-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be5de67bc478-xxxx",
            "owner_vm_id": "501d1bde-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be5de67bc478",
            "owner_vm_type": "REGULAR",
            "host_id": "9319711c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-93ac33abb543",
            "vm_local_id_on_host": "7",
            "device_key": "4000",
            "device_name": "Network adapter 1",
            "mac_address": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
            "lport_attachment_id": "c74f3556-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2dec24b46adb",
            "ip_address_info": [],
            "resource_type": "VirtualNetworkInterface",
            "display_name": "Network adapter 1",
            "_last_sync_time": 1664357994599
    "result_count": 1,
    "sort_by": "display_name",
    "sort_ascending": true

- We don't see cursor details


VMware NSX-T Data Center 


Policy needs to call cm-inventory API instead of calling proton/inventory-mgmt

This implementation will be removed when the deprecated batch API is removed


Upgrade to 3.2.2


The below steps need to be executed on all NSX Manager nodes

Step 1:
Stop the proton service
/etc/init.d/proton stop

do not use the "etc/init.d/proton stop" command, as proton service would start after a few seconds without user intervention instead use the "service proton stop" command 
Note: The "service proton stop/start/restart" commands has to be executed in the root mode

Step 2: Take a backup of the existing libinventory-mgmt.jar file :

a. Create "backup" directory under /root
mkdir /root/backup

b. Move jar file to backup directory :

mv /opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib/libinventory-mgmt.jar /root/backup/      

Step 3: Upload attached "libinventory-mgmt-your-version.jar" file under "/opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib"

Copy jar file from your local mac machine or from any of your network linux machine, after executing below command provide root password of NSX appliance:

scp user@<IP_address>:/path/libinventory-mgmt.jar /opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib        

Step 4: Rename file to libinventory-mgmt.jar
mv libinventory-mgmt-your-version.jar libinventory-mgmt.jar

Step 5: Start proton using the below command
/etc/init.d/proton start 

do not use the "etc/init.d/proton stop" command, as proton service would start after a few seconds without user intervention instead use the "service proton start" command 
Note: The "service proton stop/start/restart" commands has to be executed in the root mode        


Step 6: After restarting wait for a few minutes and test using the below API :


         Add cursor to API and check, if there are a different set of vifs getting returned or not.

After replacing the .jar file:

    "results": [
            "external_id": "501d1bde-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be5de67bc478-xxxx",
            "owner_vm_id": "501d1bde-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-be5de67bc478",
            "owner_vm_type": "REGULAR",
            "host_id": "f4c22ee7-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-f0956d23d8ca",
            "vm_local_id_on_host": "7",
            "device_key": "4000",
            "device_name": "Network adapter 1",
            "mac_address": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
            "lport_attachment_id": "c74f3556-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2dec24b46adb",
            "ip_address_info": [],
            "resource_type": "VirtualNetworkInterface",
            "display_name": "Network adapter 1",
            "_last_sync_time": 1665048593727
    "result_count": 7,
    "sort_by": "display_name",
    "sort_ascending": true,
    "cursor": "0041-7335362574648784651.-7555496064960509443TmV0d29yayBhZGFwdGVyIDE="

You can now see that the cursor line has been added as expected

Note: In the API call "page_size=1" shows one VIF rather than listing out all the VIFs

Additional Information

In and VM custom Search with NSGROUP or Security Group option fails to fetch the VMs even if the Groups in NSX-T are created and VMs associated


libinventory-mgmt- get_app
libinventory-mgmt- get_app