Network not found error after upgrading VMware Identity Manager
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Network not found error after upgrading VMware Identity Manager


Article ID: 336785


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite



  • After upgrading VMware Identity Manager the Appliance can not be reached via SSH or Ping
  • When reviewing the VM console session a red banner is displayed stating: "NO NETWORKING DETECTED. PLEASE LOGIN AND RUN THE COMMAND..."
  • When running the Upgrade precheck from Aria Suite Lifecyle Manager the check failed at "VMware Identity Manager Network properties check"



VMware Identity Manager 3.3.x


This issue occurs due to missing or misconfigured OVF properties.

To understand the cause:

  1. To review current parsed OVF properties run this command from the appliance:

  2. Check the value of the OVF properties from the output which may show empty for some or all:


    Or the output may show: "Unable to find the ovf environment."

    A normal output of the command would be similar to this:


  3. To validate OVF properties you can use this command:

    /usr/local/horizon/scripts/networkwizard.hzn showovfenv

    The output may show similar to this:

    Detect ovfenv
    Try custom ovfenv
    hostname: Host name lookup failure
    Try standard ovfenv

    ovfenv: ipv4 missing gateway


To resolve the issue access to the VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) VM's within vCenter Server are required with permissions to edit VM properties.

** Before proceeding please ensure a valid Backup of each VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) VM has been taken **

  1. Power off the globalenvironment from Aria Suite Lifecyle Manager.

  2. Edit the vApp Options from the vCenter Server (Configure vApp Properties) to update the values with the correct entries.

    1. Using the "ADD" or "EDIT" button, please use below table to create/validate properties:

      Category Label Key class ID Key ID Key instance ID Description Type User configurable Settings
      Application Timezone setting   vamitimezone   Sets the selected timezone. String choice True

      Choice list:

      "Pacific/Samoa", "US/Hawaii", "US/Alaska", "US/Pacific", "US/Mountain", "US/Central", "US/Eastern", "America/Caracas", "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "America/Recife", "Etc/GMT-1", "Etc/UTC", "Europe/London", "Europe/Paris", "Africa/Cairo", "Europe/Moscow", "Asia/Baku", "Asia/Karachi", "Asia/Calcutta", "Asia/Dacca", "Asia/Bangkok", "Asia/Hong_Kong", "Asia/Tokyo", "Australia/Sydney", "Pacific/Noumea", "Pacific/Fiji"

      Default value: 

      Application Join the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program.   ceip.enabled  

      VMware’s Customer Experience Improvement Program (“CEIP”) provides VMware with information that enables
            VMware to improve its products and services, to fix problems, and to advise you on how best to deploy
            and use our products.  As part of the CEIP, VMware collects technical information about your organization’s
            use of VMware products and services on a regular basis in association with your organization’s VMware license key(s).
            This information does not personally identify any individual.

            Additional information regarding the data collected through CEIP and the purposes for which it is used by VMware is set
            forth in the Trust & Assurance Center at
            If you prefer not to participate in VMware’s CEIP for this product, you should uncheck the box below.
            You may join or leave VMware’s CEIP for this product at any time.

      Boolean True Default value: True
      Application Enable Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode   fips.mode.enabled   Enabling FIPS mode will ensure FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption. Connector will be activated in the FIPS mode automatically.
            For AD over IWA, the minimum password length requirement for Active Directory users is 14 characters.
      Boolean True Default value: False
      Networking Properties Host Name (FQDN)   vami.hostname   The FQDN name for this VM.  Leave blank for DHCP or reverse DNS to be used to lookup hostname. String True  
      Networking Properties Default Gateway vami gateway IdentityManager The default gateway address for this VM.  Leave blank if DHCP is desired.  All fields but hostname are required for static IP. String True  
      Networking Properties Domain Name vami domain IdentityManager The domain name of this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired. String True  
      Networking Properties Domain Search Path vami searchpath IdentityManager The domain search path (comma or space separated domain names) for this VM. Leave blank if DHCP is desired. String True  
      Networking Properties DNS vami DNS IdentityManager The domain name servers for this VM (comma separated).  Leave blank if DHCP is desired.  All fields but hostname are required for static IP. String True  
      Networking Properties IP Address vami ip0 IdentityManager The IP address for this interface.  Leave blank if DHCP is desired.  All fields but hostname are required for static IP. String True  
      Networking Properties Netmask vami netmask0 IdentityManager The netmask or prefix for this interface.  Leave blank if DHCP is desired.  All fields but hostname are required for static IP. String True  
        vmname vm vmname     String False Default value: 

    2. Set the appliance configuration by using "SET VALUE" button:

      Key Value
      vamitimezone leave as default 
      ceip.enabled Can be found in Aria Suite Lifecyle Manager (vRSLCM) Product settings of global environment. Telemetry Enabled
      fips.mode.enabled Can be found in Aria Suite Lifecyle Manager (vRSLCM) Product settings of global environment. FIPS Compliance Mode
      vami.hostname Full Qualified Domain Name of the vIDM node
      vami.gateway.IdentityManager Default Gateway
      vami.domain.IdentityManager Domain
      vami.searchpath.IdentityManager DNS searchpath
      vami.DNS.IdentityManager DNS server, can be comma separated but require a whitespace after the comma, e.g.:,
      vami.ip0.IdentityManager IP address of the vIDM node
      Netmask of the vIDM node
      vm.vmname Can not be changed

  3. Power on the environment from Aria Suite Lifecyle Manager.

  4. To validate OVF properties you can use this command:

    /usr/local/horizon/scripts/networkwizard.hzn showovfenv