Unable to activate plugins in VMware Application Proxy 1.0 installed after May 20th
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Unable to activate plugins in VMware Application Proxy 1.0 installed after May 20th


Article ID: 336717


Updated On: 05-28-2018




  • VMware Application Proxy was installed after May 20th, 2018.
  • In the /data1/ucpapis/ucpapi.log, you will see errors similar to:
[ERROR] Service https://VAP_IP:8553/login <https://VAP_IP:8553/login>  returned error 401 for POST


VMware Application Proxy 1.x


This issue occurs when an internal user account for VMware Application Proxy has been created with a password that expires in May 2018.
As a result, the user will not be able to activate or deactivate plugins on endpoints using VMware Application Proxy.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Log into the VMware Application Proxy machine as root via SSH or Console.
  2. Log into salt-master container using this command:
docker exec -it ucp-controlplane-saltmaster bash
  1. Change the password of the root user using in the container using the command:
  1. Add an admin user using the command:
useradd admin
  1. Set the password for admin using the command:
passwd admin

NoteEnsure that you set the password of the admin user to password.
  1. Set the password of the root and admin users to never expire using the command:
chage -m 0 -M 99999 root; chage -m 0 -M 99999 admin

Additional Information

For instances of VMware Application Proxy 1.0 installed before May 20th 2018, see Unable to activate plugins in VMware Application Proxy 1.0 installed before May 20th.