Cannot copy tasks multiple time from a template
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Cannot copy tasks multiple time from a template


Article ID: 33664


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Users cannot copy the same tasks from template more than once.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a project template with Task Names and IDs as: T1, T2, T3.
  2. Create a new project and copy the tasks from template on the Gantt page. This works fine.
  3. Then try to copy the same tasks again to the same project.

Expected Results: Tasks are copied over a second time to the project. 

Actual Results: Nothing happens. No error message but tasks do not get copied.


All PPM releases


Tasks with an ID cannot be copied over to the same project more than once, as Task IDs are unique per project.


This is working as designed.


  • To copy tasks multiple times to a project, leave the Task ID field blank for the tasks in the template.
  • OR
  • If the task ID is populated, use OWB for creating tasks when you want to copy them multiple times.
  • Open Workbench adjusts the ID's of the new tasks [thus creating tasks with ID's T1-1, T2-1 and T3-1. 
  • Create a process that calls the Copy Task WBS From Template action, as this will create tasks with a higher auto-numbered Task ID

Additional Information

Reference KB 262547 Clarity: Copy Tasks  for more details on this functionality.