Compliance Manager alert messages resolve %TIME%, %TIME_SYSTEM%, and %TIME_UTC% variables to incorrect values for your time zone. How do you fix this?
The Compliance Manager Monitor and Alert component alert messages provide variables that a site can supply to substitute certain information about the event into the alert message. One of these variables is the timestamp for when the event occurred. A site can specify either %TIME% or %TIME_UTC% to get the UTC timestamp for the event; or, specify %TIME_SYSTEM% to get the system’s (local) timestamp for the event.
Incorrect timestamps may been seen on alerts. For example, an event that occurs at 13:48:42 Eastern (UTC-5) might display the UTC time as 13:48:42 and the local time as 08:48:42 when the timestamp should be 18:48:42 and 13:48:42, respectively.
This error occurs because a CEEOPTS DD statement is not supplied, the time conversion routines may not process the timestamp correctly for your time zone. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Add the following lines to the CMGRCEEV member:
After completing these steps, Compliance Manager alert message processing will use the time zone environment variable set in the /etc/profile global profile script when it performs timestamp conversions.