To resolve this issue, the service definition for Guest Introspection Deployment Specification may need to be updated or the Deployment Mechanism may need to be re-created along with the Deployment Specification.
Note: If the Deployment Mechanism is correct, update the Deployment Specification with the OVF urls.
- Navigate to Networking and Security > Service Definitions > Guest Introspection > Deployment.
- Under Deployment Specification, select + to add and use the below values to complete the wizard.
ESX Version: 6.*
OVF URL: https://nsxmgr_ip/bin/usvm/6.2.2/ovf/vShield-USVM-VA-
VMCI: Enabled
- Repeat for ESX Versions 5.5.*, 5.1.*, 5.0.*
Note: OVF URL is the same for all and VMCI is 'Enabled' for all.
To re-create the Guest Introspection Service definition:
- Navigate to Networking and Security > Service Definitions > Guest Introspection.
- Delete the current Guest Introspection Service.
- Re-create the Guest Introspection Service:
Name: Guest Introspection
Service Manager: InternalServiceManager
Deployment Mechanism: Host based Guest Introspection
- Add Service Attributes and complete the wizard.
Key Name
gateway gateway
extraInfo extraInfo
vmname vmname
netmask0 netmask0
ip1 ip1
ip0 ip0
netmask1 netmask1
Service Category 'Data Collection'