Receiving message "RFFTPEN02 The NMFTP Monitor cannot be contacted. Error code 70" in NetMaster File Transfer Management region.
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Receiving message "RFFTPEN02 The NMFTP Monitor cannot be contacted. Error code 70" in NetMaster File Transfer Management region.


Article ID: 33644


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NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


Receiving message "RFFTPEN02 The NMFTP Monitor cannot be contacted. Error code 70" in NetMaster File Transfer Management region.  

IBM FTP file transfer events cannot be monitored.



The XCFGROUP SSI parameter was not set to the same value or allowed to default in both the Solve SSI and the NMFTPMON SSI.


If you are unable to monitor IBM stack FTP file transfer events in your NetMaster File Transfer region and see message RFFTPEN02 with error code 70 in your NetMaster Activity Log, you should first perform the following checks:

  1.  Use the SHOW SYSPARM=SSID command to determine the SSID value.     
    Ensure that the correct SSID is specified and that the SSI started 
    task is active.                                                    
  2. Use the $$SYSPRO NMIPDIAG command to verify the status of the SOLVE SSI interface.                                                     
  3. Enter the /PARMS shortcut, and check the SSI parameter group.
    Ensure that the Sub-System Interface ID field contains the correct ID.

If everything checks out, then the most likely cause of this problem is the XCFGROUP SSI parameter not being set to the same value or allowed to default in both the Solve SSI and NMFTPMON SSI parameter specifications. 

Ensuring that the XCFGROUP SSI parameter is set to the same value or allowed to default in both SSI regions should resolve the problem.     



Additional Information

Additional Information:  

Review the XCFGROUP SSI parameter in the NetMaster Subsystem Interface Guide.