Spectrum Alarm Notifier Event details missing in the alarm and showing as "displaying most recent of 2 event messages"
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Spectrum Alarm Notifier Event details missing in the alarm and showing as "displaying most recent of 2 event messages"


Article ID: 33637


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


E-mails received from AlarmNotifier are showing the following:

  • Displaying most recent of 2 event messages
  • the latest message in the Event is that the alarm cleared.



DX NetOps Spectrum all currently supported releases


To change this behaviour, do the following:

  1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

  2. Edit the $SPECROOT/Notifier/.alarmrc file and change below two parameters from false to true


  3. Restart AlarmNotifier

NOTE: The above instructions assume you are running the default AlarmNotifier which uses the .alarmrc file. AlarmNotifier may be customized in your environment to run from a different directory and/or use a difference "rc" file.  The changes to any custom "rc" file will be the same as described above.

NOTE: If using a text editor to modify the .alarmrc file on Windows, be sure to save the file as plain ascii text with no formatting.

Additional Information

SHOW_ALL_EVENTS - This parameter allows you to specify whether you want to display all events for the given alarm, or only the most recent event. 

SHOW_ONLY_ORIGINATING_EVENT - This parameter essentially disables the AlarmNotifier's use of the Archive Manager, and therefore can only display the event that originated the alarm.  If this option is set, the Store_Originating_Event attribute( 0x1296f ) must be set to Yes ( the default ) on the AlarmMgmt model of every SpectroSERVER.

Please reference the "TechDocs : DX NetOps Spectrum 23.3 : AlarmNotifier" section of the documentation for more information.