Unable to login to vSphere Web Client using CAC authentication after enabling OCSP
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Unable to login to vSphere Web Client using CAC authentication after enabling OCSP


Article ID: 336207


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


After configuring and enabling OCSP, logging into the vSphere Web Client using CAC card authentication fails with an error similar to the following:

"Unable to validate the submitted credential"



VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x


To set alternate OCSP responder certificate with the option supported in 6.0 Update 3,

sso-config.sh -set_authn_policy -t vsphere.local -ocspUrl http://<CA-FQDN>/ocsp -ocspCert <path_to_ocsp_signing_ca_cert>.cer

In Windows:

  1. Access the directory

    cd <C:\Program Files\Vmware\vCenter Server\Vmware Identity Services\>

  2. Run the command


In Linux:

  1. Access the directory

    cd /opt/vmware/bin

  2. Run the command


For example:
sso-config.sh -set_authn_policy -t vsphere.local -ocspUrl http://<OSCPhostname>/ocsp -ocspCert ca_<hostname>_com.cer


Check authentication policy to see if the OCSP URL and certificates are properly set.

sso-config.sh -get_authn_policy -t vsphere.local

IsPasswordAuthEnabled: true
IsWindowsAuthEnabled: true
IsTLSClientCertAuthnEnabled: true
IsSecurIDAuthnEnabled: false
revocationCheckEnabled: true
useOCSP: true
sendOCSPNonce: false
useCRLAsFailOver: true
OCSPResponderSigningCert: CN=CA, DC=<DC>, DC=com
OCSPUrl: http://<OCSPhostname>/ocsp

useCertCRL: true
CRL CacheSize: 512
CRLUrl: UndefinedConfig
trustedCA: CN=<hostname>-CA, DC=<DC>, DC=com
trustedCA: CN=<hostname2>-CA, DC=<DC>, DC=<DC2>, DC=com

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