Truncation of long table names in the RC/Query Table List.
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Truncation of long table names in the RC/Query Table List.


Article ID: 33617


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RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS


On the RC/Query for Db2 for z/OS (RCQ) Table List, the display area for table names is limited to 20 characters. So for table names that are 20 characters or greater
the table name will be truncated. A greater than (>) symbol is displayed in replace of the truncated characters. When using wildcarding for the table name list,
the truncation of the listed table names makes it difficult to distinguish one table from another resulting in user errors.

For example, when trying to browse table DSN_STATEMENT_CACHE_TABLE, the listed table and auxiliary table are truncated to the same name:

DB2 Object ===> T                       Option  ===> L    Where => N
Table Name ===> DSN_STATEMENT_CACHE%  > Creator ===> DEMO        
 Qualifier ===> *                     > N/A     ===> *             

TABLE NAME        

If the user issues the BROWSE command against the first table listed, the auxiliary table, error RU634E would result.  
RU634E No valid objects found for B option that match selection criteria
How can the display area be increased to eliminate the truncation of the object names?


You can view the entire table name using scroll commands or the EXPAND or SETWIDTH commands.

To permanently change the display area for this report you can use the SETWIDTH command and create a customized report.

1.   Use the SETWIDTH command to change the width of the display area.

For example:

setwidth 'table name' 30

2.   The table names will no longer be truncated.


3.   This change to the display area can then be saved permanently for the Table List report by creating a customized report.

            4.   Enter the SAVE command on the Command line.


RQ111I: Customized report format has been saved for userid


5.   Now when this user displays the Table/List report in RC/Query, the display area for the Table Name will be set to 30 characters and these names will no longer be truncated.


6.   The REPORTS command can be used to check to display the RC/Q Customized Report Formats screen which will list any customized reports created by the user.


If the user is only interested in identifying the truncated name then scrolling within the display area or the EXPAND command can be used.

For scrolling, place the cursor in the display area of the table name and use PF Key F11 to scroll to the right. This displays the truncated characters. 

Alternatively the EXPAND command can be used to display the truncated name in full.

Enter EXPAND on the command line and then place the cursor on the truncated name and hit ENTER.

Expanded Edit/View will be displayed.

TABLE NAME: