Using storage vMotion to migrate a virtual machine in vCenter Server 5.5 displays the warning: Server side validation cannot be performed when datastore cluster is part of destination
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Using storage vMotion to migrate a virtual machine in vCenter Server 5.5 displays the warning: Server side validation cannot be performed when datastore cluster is part of destination


Article ID: 336146


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


This is expected behavior in vCenter Server 5.5.

This warning is displayed because the compatibility check only recognizes individual datastores. The compatibility check does not recognize datastore clusters. If Storage DRS is disabled an individual datastore in the Datastore Cluster can be selected. The compatibility checks will be performed after the datastore is selected. Once Storage DRS makes a recommendation and finds a destination datastore the appropriate checks are performed on the migration.

This only appears when the destination storage as a datastore cluster and Storage DRS enabled on the cluster.

Additional Information

Storage vMotion を使用して vCenter Server 5.5 の仮想マシンを移行すると次の警告が表示される: Server side validation cannot be performed when datastore cluster is part of destination