All partner plugins and third-party extensions of vSphere 7.0 must meet the set performance targets.
If the plugins installed are deemed too heavy for the heap size that the
vsphere-ui process has allocated, the memory dumps shows a lot of memory allocated on transport (
jaxb/xml deserialization) for the plugins.
You can work around this issue by applying the steps below to increase memory heap allocated to UI on the CloudVM:
- Increase the size of allocated memory: cloudvm-ram-size --setCustom 1500 vsphere-ui
- Restart the vSphere Client (vsphere-ui process): service-control --restart vsphere-ui
This change increases the heap allocated to the
vsphere-ui process to 1500 MB. Please be aware the value of 1500 MB is expected to be sufficient for the majority of cases, however it is possible that a higher memory size is required for a particularly heavy plugin.