Applying a host profile or checking profile compliance fails with the error: Call "HostProfileManager.GenerateConfigTaskList" for object "HostProfileManager" on vCenter Server "vCenterhostname" failed. "Unexpected error updating task config spec: 'vmnicX'
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Applying a host profile or checking profile compliance fails with the error: Call "HostProfileManager.GenerateConfigTaskList" for object "HostProfileManager" on vCenter Server "vCenterhostname" failed. "Unexpected error updating task config spec: 'vmnicX'


Article ID: 335944


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • When applying a host profile or checking a host for host profile compliance, the task fails with the error:

    A general system error occurred:
    Call "HostProfileManager.GenerateConfigTaskList" for object "HostProfileManager" on vCenter Server "vCenter_hostname" failed.
    Unexpected error updating task config spec: 'vmnicX'.

  • The /var/log/hostprofiletrace.log on the ESXi host contains errors similar to:

    <YYYY-MM-DDT<TIME> Z hostprofiletrace: ^^^hostProfiles-37113-20150122-044157-UpdateTaskConfigSpec-error.trc^^^512^^^ <object xmlns="urn:vim25" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="LocalizedMethodFault"><fault xsi:type="SystemError"><faultMessage xsi:type="LocalizableMessage"><key>com.vmware.vim.profile.UpdateTaskConfigSpecFailure.UnexpectedError</key><arg><key>context</key><value xsi:type="xsd:string">Exception while updating task config spec</value></arg><arg><key>error</key><value xsi:type="xsd:string">'vmnicX'</value></arg><message>Unexpected error^@
    <YYYY-MM-DDT<TIME> Z hostprofiletrace: ^^^hostProfiles-37113-20150122-044157-UpdateTaskConfigSpec-error.trc^^^96^^^ updating task config spec: 'vmnic2'.</message></faultMessage><reason></reason></fault></object>^@

  • The host profile being applied contains Software FCoE Configuration settings.


VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


This is a known issue affecting vCenter Server 5.5. Currently, there is no resolution. To workaround this issue, disable the Software FCoE Configuration within the Host Profile.

To disable the Software FCoE Configuration for a specific host profile:
  1. Login to vCenter Server using the vSphere Client.
  2. Select Home>Management > Host Profiles.
  3. Right-click the profile that is failing and select Enable/Disable Profile Configuration....
  4. Expand Storage Configuration.
  5. Deselect the Software FCoE Configuration.
  6. Click OK.

Additional Information

ホストプロファイルの適用やコンプライアンスチェックが次のエラーで失敗する: Call "HostProfileManager.GenerateConfigTaskList" for object "HostProfileManager" on vCenter Server "<vCenter Server ホスト名>" failed. "Unexpected error updating task config spec: 'vmnicX'