Archive Manager fails to start or complete repair process without error
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Archive Manager fails to start or complete repair process without error


Article ID: 33575


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Error message is seen when running the Archive Manager repair process.

The follow error is seen when running the Archive Manager repair process:

ERROR TRACE at The archive manager port number must be specified and not zero. Please set ARCH_MGR_SOCKET_NUMBER in the .configrc file.
Sep 10 11:16:02 ERROR TRACE at The DDM port number must be specified and not zero. Please set DDM_SOCKET_NUMBER in the .configrc file.

Archive Managers fails to start or stay running. We see the same error in the <SPECROOT>/SS/DDM/ARCHMGR.OUT log file.


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases




Ensure the <SPECROOT>/SS/DDM/.configrc file is set properly with the DDM_SOCKET_NUMBER and the ARCH_MGR_SOCKET_NUMBER values. The default values are seen here:

[root@ss_host DDM]# pwd
[root@ss_host DDM]# cat .configrc | grep SOCKET

If it's not set properly edit it to set the correct values and save the changes. Restart processd (see Additional Information below) to see if it resolves the problem.

If the .configrc file is properly configured and the problem persists we'll need to run a repair against the DDM database.


Repair Archive Manager Database:

  1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
    • If on Windows open a CMD prompt and start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
    • If on Linux open a terminal and log in as the correct user.
  2. Next change directories to the <SPECROOT>/SS/DDM directory.
    • cd <SPECROOT>/SS/DDM
  3. Now run the following command to repair the DDM DB.
    • ./ArchMgr -repair
  4. If the repair fails:
    1. Change to the following directory:
      • cd <SPECROOT>/mysql/bin directory
    2. Run the following command entering the password when prompted.
      • ./mysqlcheck --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf  -uroot -p --repair --force ddmdb;
      • NOTE: The username (-u value) must be the same user/pass specified in the .configrc file.
        • That must also be the same user used as the installation owner.

Additional Information

Restart Processd

  1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
    1. If on Windows open a CMD prompt and start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
    2. If on Linux open a terminal and su to the root user
  2. Then cd to the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM directory and enter the following command:
    • ./ restart