How to force the Archive subtask of CA Dispatch task to use a new tape.
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How to force the Archive subtask of CA Dispatch task to use a new tape.


Article ID: 33566


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt



How do I force Archive to use a new volser even if the old volser is not full?



- To force the Archive task to use a new volser, sign in to Dispatch and from the main menu select option 9 for SYSGEN.

- From the VSGMI100 (Sysgen Option Menu) screen select option A for Archive Control.

- You will be on the VSGMU210 - Sysgen Archive Control Information Screen where you will see 3 Archive Task ID's.

- Blank out the volser for the archive task that you want to call for a new volser.


So for Archive task 1 it would look like this:


      Opt Taskid  Current Volser/File

==> _  ARCH1  Tape ==> 572233


- Using the space bar, blank out the 572233 being shown as the active volser, then hit the ENTER key.

- You should receive an "information has been updated" acknowledgement confirming the tape was closed out. 


- The next time the Archive subtask is started it will call for a new scratch volser.



Release: DISPAX00200-11.7-Dispatch