vSAN firmware provider health (com.vmware.vsan.health.test.hcl.firmwareproviderhealth)
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vSAN firmware provider health (com.vmware.vsan.health.test.hcl.firmwareproviderhealth)


Article ID: 335203


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VMware vSAN


This article explains the vSAN firmware version recommendation engine health check in the vSAN Health Service and provides details about why it might report an error. 

vSAN's firmware recommendations for Update Manager require that Update Manager is available. The build recommendation engine relies on the VMware Compatibility Guide and VMware release metadata. 

This health check verifies that the vSAN cluster meets all dependencies and the firmware recommendations are made correctly.

Note: As of vSAN version 8.0 this test has been depreciated and will no longer be part of the vSAN Health Check.


VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 6.7.x


Q: What does the vSAN firmware version Recommendation Engine health check do?

This health check detects any configuration issues in the vSAN firmware version recommendation engine.

Q: What does it mean when it is in an error state?

The following issues might be detected by this check.

  • vSphere Update Manager is disabled or is not installed. 
    Make sure that Update Manager is installed, enabled, and available.
  • vSphere Update Manager (VUM) is not responsive. 
    Make sure that the Update Manager is enabled and available.
  • vSAN release metadata is outdated. 
    This warning can occur if the vSAN build recommendation engine has lost internet connectivity for an extended time. Check and restore Internet connectivity or manually upload the release catalog file to refresh the release metadata.
  • vCenter doesn't have internet connectivity. 
    Make sure vCenter can connect to the internet.
  • Configuration of customerconnect.vmware.com (account required). 
    Make sure that you can log into customerconnect.vmware.com.