How can I send a SmartTrace trace to an e-mail address?
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How can I send a SmartTrace trace to an e-mail address?


Article ID: 33520


Updated On:


NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


How can I send a SmartTrace trace to an e-mail address?


OS:  z/OS.




1  From the 'SmartTrace : Active and Ended Traces' (/TRACES shortcut) screen, place your cursor next to the packet trace that

you want to print, and press Enter.  Use 'P' or 'PL' options for the trace you would like to e-mail.

P is for background print the entire packet trace           
PL is for background print the list of packets in summary form

2  Select the $PSEMAIL for the printer name.

Printer Name ..+ $PSEMAIL

3  Press PF6 to confirm your selection.  Ensure the e-mail address is correct then press PF6 to confirm.

Additional Information

See also:
SmartTrace Packet Tracing
Print a SmartTrace