Deploying vSphere with Tanzu from the vCenter UI and was stuck in configuring state.
The vCenter UI displays this particular error as seen as below:
workload management still being configured with last error in GUI "Resource Type Deployment, Identified vmware-system-netop/vmware-system-netop-controller-manager is not found"
wcpsvc.log shows below:
2022-07-05T06:14:50.296Z error wcp [kubelifecycle/controller.go:1417] [opID=62c2f9e5-d313f8f3-74d0-47f9-b769-2a18dabc9249] Error configuring cluster NIC on master VM vm-21008: Post "https://<IP>x.x.x.x:x/apis/ /v1alpha1/vspheredistributednetworks?timeout=2m0s": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
As we can see from the previous error message the port on the https address is set to zero which indicates a change to the wcpsvc.yaml file.
Incorrect editing of the /etc/vmware/wcp/wcpsvc.yaml file - in particular kubevm and ovfurl of the yaml file can result in the port being incorrectly set to zero.
Make kubevm config are as below in the /etc/vmware/wcp/wcpsvc.yaml file.
#kubevm: # ovfurl: 'https://this_vc_pnid:5480/wcpagent/photon-ova-%%SIZE%%.ovf' # apiserverport: 6443 # authproxyport: 443
If any of the above lines are to be uncommented you must make sure that they are correctly indented.