[VMC] "vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment" or "Performing a Reconfigure for vSphere HA operation on a primary node may cause an unexpected virtual machine failover" alarms triggered at the Skyline Health level
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[VMC] "vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment" or "Performing a Reconfigure for vSphere HA operation on a primary node may cause an unexpected virtual machine failover" alarms triggered at the Skyline Health level


Article ID: 334960


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS VMware Cloud on Dell EMC


Explain the cause of these alerts being triggered in VMC.


  •  vSphere Health detected new issues in your environment alert is triggered in vCenter on VMC
  • Within SDDC vCenter > Datacenter > Monitor > Skyline Health will show various warnings or critical alerts


The vSphere Health alarms are triggered intermittently from VMC maintenance actions such as Autoscaler host replacement. These alarms are transient in nature and can be ignored safely.


vSphere Health/Skyline Health is not supported in VMC on AWS nor VMC on Dell EMC.