2022-02-16T22:35:53.565Z iScsiInterfaceImpl: Failed to apply some of the adapter configurations: iScsiException: status(80000004): General OS-specific failure; Message= IMA_VMW_AddNic
Duplicate iSCSI port binding entries are contained in the ConfigStore.
This issue is fixed in ESXi 7.0 Update 3f, Build# 20036589
For hosts already upgraded to 7.0U2 - 7.0U3e
1. Gather iSCSiConfig from ConfigStore:
2. Edit the output file IscsiConfig.json and remove the duplicate entries:
a. Duplicate example: "vmknics": ["vmk5", "vmk6", "vmk5", "vmk6", "vmk5", "vmk6"]
b. Correct example: "vmknics": ["vmk4", "vmk5"]
3. Save the changes to the json file.
4. Update the ConfigStore with the edited iSCIConfig information:
For hosts yet to upgrade but still running ESXi versions prior 7.0U2
1. Run the following command to list the vmkernel adapters on the ESXi host:
2. Run the following command to check the port binding configuration and associated vmkernel adapters