ESXi iSCSI Software Initiator dynamic discovery target does not persist through a reboot after upgrading to 7.0U2 - 7.0U3e
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ESXi iSCSI Software Initiator dynamic discovery target does not persist through a reboot after upgrading to 7.0U2 - 7.0U3e


Article ID: 334937


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Effected ESXi hosts are 7.0 U2 - 7.0U3e 
  • iSCSI targets are not persisting following a host reboot.
  • iSCSI targets can be added back manually but targets are lost following a subsequent reboot.
  • Review of jumpstart-esxcli-stdout.log uncovers the following error:

2022-02-16T22:35:53.565Z iScsiInterfaceImpl: Failed to apply some of the adapter configurations: iScsiException: status(80000004): General OS-specific failure; Message= IMA_VMW_AddNic


VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0U2 - 7.0U3e


Duplicate iSCSI port binding entries are contained in the ConfigStore.


This issue is fixed in ESXi 7.0 Update 3f, Build# 20036589

For hosts already upgraded to 7.0U2 - 7.0U3e

1. Gather iSCSiConfig from ConfigStore:

configstorecli config current get -c esx -g storage_iscsi -k software_adapter -outfile iscsiConfig.json

2. Edit the output file IscsiConfig.json and remove the duplicate entries:

a. Duplicate example:  "vmknics": ["vmk5", "vmk6", "vmk5", "vmk6", "vmk5", "vmk6"]

b. Correct example:  "vmknics": ["vmk4", "vmk5"]

3. Save the changes to the json file.

4. Update the ConfigStore with the edited iSCIConfig information:

configstorecli config current set -c esx -g storage_iscsi -k software_adapter -infile iscsiConfig.json
5. Reboot host.  iSCSI targets should persist

For hosts yet to upgrade but still running ESXi versions prior 7.0U2 

1. Run the following command to list the vmkernel adapters on the ESXi host:

esxcfg-vmknic -l

2. Run the following command to check the port binding configuration and associated vmkernel adapters 

esxcli iscsi networkportal list 

3. Remove the bound vmkernel ports which are not available in networking configurations from step 1
esxcli iscsi networkportal remove -A vmhbaX -n vmk#

- Where X is the adapter id number taken from step2
- # is the vmkernel adapter id still present on step 2 but not listed in step1 

4. Host can be upgraded now. 

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