VMware Tools version display for open-vm-tools and Operating System Specific packages
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VMware Tools version display for open-vm-tools and Operating System Specific packages


Article ID: 334891


Updated On: 12-08-2016


VMware vSphere ESXi


VMware Tools Operating System Specific packages and open-vm-tools are managed by administrator on the guest operating system. The version information remains on the guest and it is not available to the host. This restricts the user from auditing their data center. The status of VMware Tools is displayed as Guest Managed in the vSphere interface.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5


vSphere 6.5 and later supports the display of VMware Tools (OSPs and open-vm-tools) version in vSphere. vCenter Server also displays the type of installation for VMware Tools, Windows installer (MSI) for Windows virtual machines and Tar installer, Operating System Specific packages or open-vm-tools for Linux virtual machines.

Functional caveat: If Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) is not installed on the virtual machine, this new feature is not supported.